So what's all this then?

Tom's Prosaic Blog is a space for posts and articles about video games of various franchises, interesting things that amuse me (for example the cucumbers post) or short stories.
Everything is poorly written and awful you should not read anything here this is a terrible blog.

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No seriously I gotta get more pageviews and I'll try to entertain you go on.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Un-named thing for a comic I guess

She woke up.
Tricking down her brow like it was the middle of summer and the AC was broken. But it was snowing outside. White flecks against the pitch black, shouldn't there be streetlights? She trod nervously out of bed, damp feet meeting the cool wood paneled floor which seemed to spin as she greeted it. The wind whipped the snow outside with a soft sweeping noise. Was she dreaming? She looked at the pills she had taken the night before, looked right at them spinning and digesting inside her translucent stomach. "They'll make you sleep just fine and all the bad dreams will go away", she winced as the distorted sound of the shopkeeper echoed in the black outside. They had tasted like gone-off fruit. Breathe. That's all this is. A bad dream.
Then she fell.

That gut punch when you drop is almost as bad as the landing, unless it's onto a concrete floor. The room was endless, its impossible horizon half-obscured by darkness. The girl hauled herself up, grunting as she nursed her scabbed elbow. Looking around, the darkness seemed to shift and squirm like a thousand tiny insects, writhing their legs about, silently snapping their mandibles. She shuddered, and began to walk, knowing as if it was some animal instinct to keep walking. Every time she tried to focus on it though, it seemed to condense into one area, a shape. She squinted.
There was a man in the dark.
A man or a woman or a thing, but humanoid. A person, shifting and  buzzing in the swarming haze.

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