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Thursday, 12 February 2015

Destiny - Guardian tracker. (Updated version 2)

WARNING: this is super nerdy and boring. It's just for my own amusement.

This isn't a typical blog post, It's simply a platform for me to upload screenshots depicting the progression of my guardian on Destiny. I may add comments on my gear, suggesting what to use and why, and if I bag any new exotics I'll be sure to write a short piece detailing their pros and cons. Oh, plus this is totally dedicated to my Awoken Warlock, I also have a Hunter and Titan but they're lower level, plus who wouldn't want to be a space wizard!?
Eyes up guardian. 

My level 28 Warlock loadout always consisted of the Sunbreakers. They don't show up on the web preview that I got the screenshots from, but those arm pieces are glowing and on fire in--game. They're probably the best choice of exotic for a Sunsinger class, and I keep meaning to get the upgraded pair. Aside that I was sporting the Mida Multi Tool, which I think was my first exotic from the Vault of Glass, so was using it for the sake of it. Looking back I really dislike that gun, it doesn't suit my playstyle at all, however shoutout to my LV28 Warlock for using The Comedian shotgun, that thing is a beast and I'll still use it with my Titan class sometimes.

After The Dark Below expansion dropped, Everyone's guardians changed dramatically. I don't even have a screenshot from LV30 because I leveled up so fast, due to the easily unlockable vanguard gear. It was satisfying to shoot up from 29 to 31 in a couple of weeks, however it was a little disheartening to see my old beloved gear become redundant so fast. I mentioned that I always used my Sunbreakers before the expansion, but to move on I needed to leave them behind to advance on (donning the Apotheosis Veil instead). I had to use my fully upgraded Hard Light just to do basic damage to the newer buffed enemies, my LV29 Warlock was a constantly changing loadout. 
The coat I'm using here I eventually dismantled, I was never keen on it's aesthetic and I think I only used it to fit in with the higher level guardians. 

Damm straight that coat is the Iron Regalia Vestments. Considering I suck at crucible, my coat is my warlock's prize piece. My problem with Warlocks is that there is a limited variety of coats, and considering they're the main defining feature I figured I needed a badass one. The Vestments are an Iron Banner special reward, so I slaved in the Crucible for non stop to earn that, and was it worth it. Increased shotgun and scout rifle ammo really suit my load-out, and to top that all off it stands out. The beautiful design, the regal color scheme, I could go on for ages about just this damm coat! It's great, I'm proud of it.
As for the rest of the build, I love the arm and leg armor. Warlocks don't usually have super chunky armor plating, so the arms are a really nice feature. Plus the boots look like converse. Space wizard wearing converse. Love it. 
The helmet however, my exotic Obsidian Mind, I am not too keen on. It doesn't fit my Sunsinger sub-class, as it's main perk benefits Voidwalkers. I chose it purely for the aesthetic, and because my only other Dark Below exotic for arms and I don't want to switch out my cool armored ones.

In a game that drastically rewards you for headshots, what could be even better? More rewards for headshots! The Saterienne Rapier is (in my opinion) is the best weapon in the game, dealing out huge fiery explosions and speed reloads for headshots. Imagine you're cornered by a huge pack of enemies. You pinpoint the weakest one, pop that headshot, and are rewarded by their entire body exploding, damaging all the nearby enemies. And if that wasn't enough, you've then got a speed reload buff so you can ready up a full mag to take on the reeling enemies. I will never not use this as a primary, its so worth saving up those crucible points for it.

In my first time playing through the Dark Below's new raid; Crota's End, the raid chest-piece (The Deathsinger's Mantle) dropped for me. Sweet, or so I thought, It looks kinda naff. I really don't like the big spikey hood at the back, it makes my guardian look like a tube from behind. It was terrible perks (for my loadout) and it's main feature is only applicable to the raid, which I've done once and doubt I'll do again soon. To me it really isn't up to scratch with the previous raid coat, The Cuirass of the Hezen Lords.
However I now face one of the hardest choices in video games. Do I equip a piece of gear that I don't like just to be a higher level? The one perk it has is raising my armor and overall level, at the cost of removing my badass Iron Banner coat. Actually nah it's no hard choice. I'd much rather look cooler than the others than be a higher level than them.

Last night I had nothing to do on destiny (oh the problems of having full level gear) so I decided to try level up my Deathsinger's Mantle, you know the coat I said I didn't like. I must say it's growing on me. After shifting up my loadout a bit, it's given me the opportunity to blow the dust off my Pocket Infinity, a gun that honestly needs the extra ammo perk offered by this garb. Switching up the Obsidian Mind with my exotic arms; Claws of Ahamkara, My skill sets are pretty balanced, however a huge focus goes to my strength perk. I'm not totally against this, as equipping certain perks in the Sunsinger sub-class gives me a shield per scorch attack, my only problem is that my grenade skill has suffered a huge cooldown boon. 
I prefer my Crucible helmet too, I think the whole re-model looks good with the Polar Oak shader. (Also note I've kept the Saterienne Rapier as my primary, unaffected by the ammo loss from taking the Vestments off as I've got the same perks on my boots).

Pocket Infinity holds a place in my heart for being the first exotic I earned from a bounty. Theres a heightened sense of pride and achievement for working your way though all the tasks, something you don't experience from randomly winning them. I suppose its more of a challenge to buy them from Xur, as you have to work to win the currency for them, but there's a real adventure in the bounties, especially ones like Super Good Advice, which I'm doing now for a second time because I enjoyed it so much (even though the prize weapon itself is terrible).
When I first got the Pocket Infinity I hated it, due to slow charge speeds and low magazine. However the fully upgraded version is a whole new story, however it's a very situational monster. This clever tool works best on large bosses, good luck hitting anything in a crowd with it. I'm considering upgrading it to 331 damage, but honestly I don't want to go through all the hassle of upgrading again. It's a great little piece that really changes your playstyle, however you'll need a primary you can rely on heavily as the Infinity's use is a perk in specific situations.

Yes it took me a while to get Icebreaker, but was it worth the wait. I know there was a lot of grumbling from the mass of guardians for it being the exotic weapon at Xur for two weeks running, but for someone like me who missed it the first week I'm glad I got the chance to grab it. But on another note, Xur seriously please just sell the Suros Regime again, you'll be rich with Strange Coins. Icebreaker is a beast of a gun, both it's signature perks are unique and useful. You can't reload, but ammo automatically regenerates straight into the magazine (which holds a capacity of 6 rounds) meaning infinite shots! If you, like me, are not great at sniping then you need this gun, you'll literally never run out of ammo. If that wasn't enough the signature perk; Icebreaker, which is like firefly in that it causes victims to explode, but without the need for a precision shot! Again this is great for someone who isn't grand at sniping, but brutal for picking out small enemies in large groups who all explode. This gun is great for those who don't want to switch up their gear for sniper perks, as you don't need buffs to reload speed and ammo because these cannot be changed. All in all its a prize among exotics, especially for those who can't snipe. 


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