Recovered data for the [Redacted] of February.
2017 at exactly [Redacted] PM.
Speaker is [Redacted] Spark.
Broadcast over Manningtree County radio.
Begin relay of transmission
And that was the weather folks, so maybe grab an umbrella on the way out to the corner shop, and I'm sure you could re-arrange that trip up the river Stour to a nicer day, you wouldn't want to get stuck out there like the Mables family last week huh? As a little update on that; they're all doing fine and well, but we'll all mourn and miss the passing of Stuckie; their poor little terrier who sadly couldn't be rescued.
Now to put your minds at ease. You've all read the papers these last few days and I'm sure you're all chattering in your tea rooms about all that business at the emergency G8 summit. I'd like to calm you by saying that it is not an emergency, those pesky American reporters do like to exaggerate simple news eh? Not like our little town here huh Manningtree? Speaking of which, in more local news; the post office is in it's final stages of renewal, It'll be quite a change from that shoddy little shack we had before. No offense meant Mrs Grantham, you and your team do a splendid job. I'm waiting on a new package from you, we're getting some new microphones in for the studio soon, so I'll be your first customer. I've heard mayor Lee-Lay Flurrie will be opening the place up, its all so exciting. Our little post office is a great testament to the old ways, nor fancy emails, texts or neural transplants for us here thank you very much. Well, thats not strictly true but I use mine for work. Quit laughing Belle, this room is soundproofed but not that well! Uhm. Anyway lets go a music break.
Oh it's great she's still kicking around huh? That was Nicki Minaj's new rap cover of Bach's third suite, aptly titled "I'm bringing sexy Bach". Isn't that something, I bet that's going to be playing in my car this drive home. In other news though, we've had a lot of message in saying I brushed of the G8 summit news, they're saying "since it's a global pandemic shouldn't you be covering it?". Well I'd hardly say its a 'pandemic', that seems a bit extreme, It's just a small disagreement in a high place so sure there's a lot of finger pointing. I guess though since this is my job or something I'll have to cover it though. Ugh. Anyway, the summit is currently met up in the big Washington DC to discuss -
- of state. He's in no real danger, this whole thing will blow over in a couple of days, trust me. In other... more interesting... news, we're sorry but the weather forecast has changed. now I know it's never 100% accurate on a good day, but we're getting word through from the MET office that there's a spike in temperature, an increase by at least [Redacted] degrees! Not bad huh? I guess you can plan that afternoon boar trip after all, sorry about any confusion. Word is that there was a problem with the machines, Temperature never rises that fast! Anyway it was a little blip, further apologies listeners.
Oh, some more breaking news! Freddie's pub down the road, you know The Saints, is offering a free pint on them with every portion of chips brought! Apparently it's in celebration of the good weather, I say good on you Freddie. I think I'll personally pop down later, just as long as I don't get pestered about that damm G8 Summit... Sorry, anyway. Our three parishes here in Manningtree are in fierce competition for the chance to hold this upcoming election's voting station, as they do every year. Last time the grand title was handed to Father Dom, can he claim this prestigious role again? I have never seen any man of god so angry as those three, the competition gets hotter every time. On the other hand, I personally would suggest the town library as it's recent renovations would be perfect to accommodate voters. It was the latest in the council's renovations until they started doing the post office last week, but it's certainly a fitting building. Did you know that the place used to be the center of operations for Matthew Hopkins, the self appointed witch-finder general back in the 1600's? It's true, apparently he set up shop there after he heard rumors of women communing with the devil around the area. Of course it eventually became a corn exchange, and now its the local library, would you believe that? Learn something every day huh? This turned into a proper history show, lets cut to some more music while I get read up on the latest news shall we?
And we're back, live from Manningtree radio studios, that song was... Uhm, I don't know. Belle chooses the music here, I can never really keep up with what you young folk are into these days. Well if you really want to know you can ask her, Tweet at her on @[Redacted].
Alright, after a little research, I feel I can report fully now on the whole Summit thing. I'm going to get this off my shoulders for the last time, then we've got the cooking segment where we bring on a mystery guest from the local area who teaches us how to cook a surprise dish! It's so great, who could forget the time Mr Burham taught us how to make that mouse that had lasting gastric effects that nearly gt our show taken off air? Oh those were good times. To this day I still feel a bit funny when I stand up, but that's all part of the fun. We've got some spoilsport new regulations in that make us trial out all the guest recipes before they teach them to the general public, which ultimately takes the surprise out of it. That's all very well, but 'New regulations' aren't going to get Mr Burham out of prison are they?
All that and more coming up after this totally not boring news segment. Just a hint, Cooking time starts at [Redacted] so you could just make a cup of tea and come back then. Just saying. Don't tune out though, we need that viewer count. Oh! before the news bit, I'd quickly like to de-bunk myths about our show falsely bumping our viewer count. I don't care if that kid found a whole warehouse of radios all set to silent but tuned to our station, that means nothing. It could be just some crazy person, the investigation is ongoing. Some people have pointed fingers at me for my consistent ordering of new radios, thanks for telling everyone Mrs Grantham, but I keep telling you that mine break! A lot! This is a chat show and I can say what I like, consider this case closed. Thank you. My editor is at the door, so I'm sorry to delay the news further but we're going to have to cut to a music break. We'll be right back folks, don't tune out. Please.
That temperature really is rising huh? MET office says its climbing around the [Redacted] now, now really would be a good time to head down to the river to take a dip. We're getting calls in about the heat, we once again apologize on behalf of the weather guys for telling you all it'd rain.
I take you now onto our much awaited news segment. Because so many people want it. And it'll be great. Anyway, important personalities and leaders from around the world have gathered in Washington DC to discuss the further funding and use of the new improved LHC. That's the Large Hadron Collider for those of you bumpkins who can identify all 17 types of ornamental grass, but don't know what the London VR domes are. The newer version reaches twice the size of the original, however issues have arisen since a recent incident where [Redacted] was completely [Redacted] due to an manufacturing issue. Questions have arisen around the overall safety of the thing, apparently it could theoretically [Redacted]. That's only an assumption though, honestly if you believed everything you read on the Internet wouldn't you be cowering in fear from a sub-sect of lizard overlords? As I stated earlier, this as all just over-exaggeration to big up the news.
Well that about rounds up the news for this afternoon folks, sorry to leave you all on such a downer. I'll be switching over to the evening host soon, so for now enjoy our new set piece; classic tracks from 2016, the best of last years tunes. Thanks for tuning in, same time same place tomorrow, I'll be down at the saints this evening for any questions.
Not about the G8 summit.
Thanks again, keep smiling and enjoy the weather, Manningtree.
End of first transcript.
Two days till the end of the world.
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