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Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Microsoft's HoloLens and Windows 10.

Microsoft Hololens and Windows 10

After it's ridiculous blunder with the Xbox One, Microsoft woke up from their cocaine-infused slumber and started making useful things again. And boy, did they make a cool thing. Since seeing Star Wars episode 4 (Which is kinda the first one but still) and being awestruck by the "help me obi wan kenobi, you're my only hope" scene, Myself and I'm sure a vast majority of people have lusted after holograms. We want the future, science fiction awesome virtual reality and lightsabers.
Microsoft turned round and was all like "Hey yeah we can do that".
"Maybe not the lightsabers though. Yet..."


Oh my god here it is this is insane. Microsoft's Hololens is nothing like Google Glass for starers. Instead of icons and desktop being projected onto the glass in your vision, Hololens projects actual holograms into the environment around you. Real holograms. You can't touch them physically, and they're only available to the user wearing the headset, but they can interacted with and controlled. For example you could sit down on the couch and project a huge cinema screen hologram on the wall to watch Netflix on.
You can create 3D models of anything you want and send them directly to a 3D printer to be printed into the real world. The software is called (correct me if I'm wrong) Holo Studio, and the sizing and construction of the creation can be controlled via hand movements, interacting with the hologram in real-time.

You can do everything a PC can do and more; watch videos, surf the web, view/upload/store pictures, this kind of tech could be revolutionary.
If that wasn't cool enough, you can also play games like Minecraft in your room. No, Literally in your room, build up a holographic house on your desk as the floor becomes lava, and place torches round your bed to ward off monsters at night. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad Microsoft bought Mojang studios. This is a gamer's dream.


You may be thinking now that the Hololens was the coolest thing in this report, and you're kind of right. Mind you, Windows 10 really does have some cool features up it's sleeve, and its the operating system that the Hololens will run off so i guess it's exciting. 
So first, what to a dead goat and Windows internet explorer have in common? 
Everything. They are basically the same thing.
Say goodbye to the old blue E though, the new Microsoft Spartan sets a new standard for online next-generation browsing.

Hmmm.. I see what you're doing Microsoft. Cortana? Spartan? Yeah we all know you own Halo, quit bragging about it.
Speaking of Cortana, she's now coming installed in every Microsoft 10+ product, so that means phones and yes, your new Windows 10 PC. You can activated her (like the late Siri) by speaking into your computer's microphone, or trying her name into the search. box. Yeah! The search box is back! There will be dancing in the streets, however Microsoft still likes it's tiles, and they can still be found occasionally.
New features involve being able to save desired sites and view them offline, with all the data taken from the last time you were connected. Oh, plus if your current PC running Windows 7 or 8, you can upgrade to 10 for free after a year! All in all Windows 10 is a smoother, faster service, but what we're really excited about is that it's whats going to power the Hololens.

Oh, by the way what happened to windows 9?

Any comments or questions would be appreciated, and please tell me if I'm wrong on anything, I'm sure everyone is up for finding out all the cool new features. 

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