The house of Wolves
Well it's time to ditch your hard earned raid gear again guardians, The House of Wolves drops in 2 months, bringing a shockingly high light level of 39!
So basically you can stop doing anything on the game, save up vanguard marks and just become top level on the first day. Nice one Destiny, way to make all our hard work redundant again. What we really need is a reforge system for old armor to boost it's level, but that's a different subject.
The House of Wolves drops sometime during May, bringing with it a grand total of 3 new missions, 1 new strike, 1 new raid and 4 PVP maps. That's not very impressive, considering how long it's taking to make, and half the content is already in the game. The real focus for The House of Wolves is the weapons and armor, of which we're getting a boat load. However it is the armor itself that's disgruntling guardians, as all the gear they earned now becomes ineffective.
On the other hand, I for one am excited by the look of the new gear and guns, we're getting way more exotics and more colorful armor, but it will be a shame to see my prize guns like the Saterienne Rapier become deficient. What do you think guardians? Ignoring all financial issues, does The House of Wolves look good? Discuss in the comments, I'll leave you with some leaked screenshots of Warlock gear.
For more information see the article below:
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