So what's all this then?

Tom's Prosaic Blog is a space for posts and articles about video games of various franchises, interesting things that amuse me (for example the cucumbers post) or short stories.
Everything is poorly written and awful you should not read anything here this is a terrible blog.

I'm joking please +1 and follow.

No seriously I gotta get more pageviews and I'll try to entertain you go on.

Monday, 15 December 2014

The first post.

Its not really a blog is it?

Its like 4-ish on the 15th December, and I didn't realize that today is one month since i turned 18. I feel like I should try this blogging stuff, but all that will really come of this is painful spelling and awkward babbling about whats up.
I will probably try to write about things that I feel are entertaining in some way, but there's nothing really on right now that I care to write about. Oh, plus I should totally be working right now, on some Hotel and Golf resort app for my boss.
Be back at some point.
Do I end this with a goodbye or what?

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